SERVICE AREA: Facilitation and Mediation
Triangle Associates provides facilitation support to King County Metro’s Community Connections program. This program is responsible for developing “alternative transit solutions” apart from fixed bus routes (e.g., van pools, shuttles, subsidized ride sharing) in areas of King County that lack the infrastructure and density to support regular, fixed-route bus service. Triangle is responsible for convening several different stakeholder working groups across the county to help them identify alternative transit solutions that work for their particular communities. Triangle meets with each stakeholder working group at least 4 times to help them select pilot projects that meet the mobility, sustainability, and social equity goals of the community. Triangle works with various Metro project managers and helps streamline Metro’s internal processes to ensure a consistent and fair approach across the county. Triangle’s team includes transit experts from Nelson\Nygaard and multi-ethnic/multilingual communication experts from TDW+Co.
SERVICE AREA: Facilitation and Mediation;
In order to advance and further embed social equity and environmental sustainability in its work, King County Metro undertook a policy update known as the Mobility Framework. Triangle was among a team of consultants hired to guide the development of this Framework via a range of engagement efforts. Triangle led a series of internal and external assessment interviews with Metro staff and community partners (working with Diverse City LLC), co-designed and executed community engagement activities around south Seattle (working with ECOSS), and provided logistics and notetaking support for the Equity Cabinet, a group of community leaders advising Metro on the Framework development (working with Nelson\Nygaard). Triangle combined skills in coordination, assessment design and interviewing, graphic facilitation, creative engagement and outreach, and research to provide nimble and well-rounded support for Metro staff.
SERVICE AREA: Facilitation and Mediation
Triangle facilitates and acts as the administrator for a Council of Governments that brings together the cities, county, port, tribes, navy, and transit agency in Kitsap County to coordinate land use and transportation decisions. Triangle supports the chair and elected officials who serve on the KRCC Executive Board and policy-level committees, as well as their planning and transportation technical staff, by facilitating policy- and technical-level meetings and providing strategic support to the organization. In addition to supporting the structure of the organization, Triangle also manages the logistics of productive meetings by developing agendas, materials, and meeting summaries, as well as coordinating presentations given by internal members and external partners. Triangle’s administrative services include tracking the organization’s budget, managing the organization’s liability insurance, ensuring public meeting notices are posted, maintaining the organization’s website, and ensuring that the organization’s Interlocal Agreement, Bylaws, and Policies and Procedures are up to date.
Committees that Triangle supports include the Executive Board, Executive Committee, Transportation Policy Committee, Land Use Technical Advisory Committee, Land Use Planning Policy Committee, Transportation Technical Advisory Committee, and the Affordable Housing Task Force.
SERVICE AREA: Facilitation and Mediation
Triangle Associates provides facilitation support to Snohomish County’s public transit agency, Community Transit, in implementing a multi-step pilot program. This program is responsible for developing “alternative transit solutions” apart from fixed bus routes (e.g., van pools, shuttles, subsidized ride sharing). Triangle convened a working group consisting of stakeholders from across the county to identify alternative transit solutions that work for their particular communities. Triangle will facilitate four meetings of the stakeholder working group to help them select projects that meet the mobility, sustainability, and social equity goals of the community. Triangle works with Community Transit project managers and helps streamline internal processes to ensure a consistent and fair approach across the county.
SERVICE AREA: Facilitation and Mediation
Triangle facilitated a Task Force that developed recommendations to address King County’s deficit in funding for maintaining and preserving its aging bridge and road system. To identify solutions to this challenge, King County convened the Bridges and Roads Task Force that consisted of representatives from businesses, unions, environmental groups, community members, Washington State government, and suburban cities. Triangle facilitated six Task Force meetings, interviewed Task Force members, tracked 152 recommendations, developed a final report, and led this group of diverse stakeholders through a productive process—culminating in a set of Task Force recommendations that were approved by consensus.