Strategic Public Engagement in Utility Work Projects


Bellevue Lower Coal Creek Flood Hazard Reduction Public Involvement

SERVICE AREA: Public Involvement

Triangle keeps the public involved as the City of Bellevue works to reduce flooding from Lower Coal Creek in the Newport Shores neighborhood.

Project Description

The City of Bellevue is working to reduce flooding its Newport Shores neighborhood, and it has counted on Triangle to help keep the public informed and engaged throughout the process of developing and managing flood control solutions Triangle supported the City as it launched the process of developing solutions to flooding issues, gathering  public feedback for the City to consider. Based on technical expertise and public feedback, the City decided to build new bridges over Lower Coal Creek and construct new stormwater outfalls. To keep the public involved in the design and construction of these projects, Triangle develops website updates, writes articles for the local neighborhood newsletter, creates easy-to-understand fact sheets, facilitates public forums and open houses, and organizes small-group on-site meetings with residents affected by project activities.



City of Bellevue Utilities Department  Flood Control Projects

SERVICE AREA: Public Involvement

Triangle designs and manages a tailored public outreach and communications plan for the City of Bellevue Utilities Department regarding multiple large-scale flood control projects.

Project Description

The City of Bellevue Utilities Department hired Triangle to manage public outreach services related to the implementation of several large flood control projects in densely populated and heavily trafficked areas of the Bellevue central business district.  Triangle facilitated a needs assessment to inform the design of a public outreach strategy, hosting a workshop with the project team of City of Bellevue staff and engineering consultants. Triangle drafted a public outreach and communications plan tailored to the needs identified by the project team, including the City’s public outreach strategy to achieve informed consent from potentially affected interests, determining the most applicable messaging for the project, and identify  stakeholders that should be involved in the process. Triangle maintains this public outreach plan, tracks communications with the public, and teams with City staff to develop print and online outreach materials.

Triangle works with the City of Bellevue on the following projects:

  • Meydenbauer Basin Flood Control Project
  • Factoria Boulevard Conveyance Improvements Project



Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Construction Public Involvement

SERVICE AREA: Public Involvement

Triangle helps Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) communicate and address concerns of Seward Park visitors and neighbors regarding construction of a Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) storage tank.

Project Description

From 2005 to 2008, Triangle conducted public outreach for the construction of the North Henderson Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) storage tank in Seattle’s Seward Park. Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) hired Triangle to keep park visitors and neighbors informed about the construction project so the City could address their concerns. Triangle developed and advised on outreach materials explaining how the storage tank would reduce the amount of untreated sewage overflowing into Lake Washington. Triangle also hosted informational booths in Seward Park in advance of construction and managed a 24/7 construction hotline.



Washington State Department of Health Wellheads Protection Educational Materials Development

SERVICE AREA: Public Involvement

Triangle develops engaging infographics and presentations to communicate technical information about groundwater protection policy to residents, business owners, utility operators, and local officials.

Project Description

In 2018, Triangle collaborated with Washington State Department of

Health and consultancy Robinson Noble to develop educational infographics, letters, and presentations describing groundwater protection policy. Triangle repackaged highly technical information about wellheads and wellhead protection area management into clear and engaging materials appropriate for audiences with various levels of familiarity with the topic, including utility operators and local officials. Triangle also created materials to help the general public understand the importance of groundwater protection and how they can adopt safe practices at their home or business.

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