Spanning over 10 million acres, Washington State’s shrubsteppe landscape is a critical ecosystem that supports diverse wildlife and plant species. Triangle partnered with the Washington Shrubsteppe Restoration and Resiliency Initiative (WSRRI) to develop a comprehensive Long-Term 30 year Strategy addressing the interconnected challenges of wildlife habitat protection, ecosystem restoration, and community resilience in the face of wildland fire.

To shape this 30-year strategy, Triangle facilitated an inclusive process involving an Advisory Group and multiple focus tables with a broad range of technical and policy participants, including Tribes, landowners, non-profits, local governments, and state and federal agencies. This collaborative effort established a shared vision and actionable goals centered on five key elements:

  • Community engagement
  • Habitat protection
  • Habitat restoration
  • Species management
  • Fire management

The Long-Term Strategy emphasizes the necessity of cross-sector cooperation and strong partnerships to ensure the stewardship and resilience of Washington’s shrubsteppe landscape, benefiting both ecosystems and communities for generations to come.

Read the full Washington Shrubsteppe Restoration and Resiliency Initiative: Long-Term Strategy 2024 – 2054

Read the Executive Summary

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