Columbia River System Operations EIS
SERVICE AREA: Facilitation and Mediation
The Army Corps of Engineers, the Bonneville Power Administration and the Bureau of Reclamation are evaluating multiple operations and configuration alternatives for the 14 federal projects on the Columbia River/Snake River system.
Triangle Associates was hired by the National Policy Consensus Center (NPCC), through its program Oregon Consensus (OC), to provide facilitation services to the Co-lead agencies working on the Columbia River System Operations (CRSO) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
Project Description
Triangle Associates started facilitating the CRSO Socioeconomics Technical Team and the CRSO Fish and Wildlife Technical Team in 2018 and is contracted to facilitate each team through 2020. For the Socioeconomics Technical Team, Triangle staff have facilitated meetings and conference calls, prepared agendas, documented meetings and have provided overall project support services to the Co-lead agencies; assisted the Co-lead agencies with strategies for communicating with cooperating agencies; prepared for, facilitated, and documented conference calls between cooperating agencies and the Co-lead agencies; and facilitated the development of a draft socioeconomics analysis Study Plan. For the Fish and Wildlife Technical Team, Triangle staff have facilitated and documented conference calls between the Co-lead agencies, and prepared for, facilitated, and documented meetings of the Resident Fish and Anadromous Fish Sub-teams.