Local Government and Organization Retreats


Sound Transit Retreat

SERVICE AREA: Facilitation and Mediation

In December 2018, Triangle facilitated a retreat for a Sound Transit Federal Way Link Extension team. In consultation with the Sound Transit team leaders, Triangle prepared customized, interactive activities to move the team toward higher performance and cohesiveness. Triangle used small group exercises and large group discussions to build trust among team members, highlight the strengths of individuals and the team as a whole, reinforce the team’s mission and values, and determine areas for growth.



Washington Salmon Coalition Retreat

SERVICE AREA: Facilitation and Mediation

The Washington Salmon Coalition (WSC) hosted a retreat for staff of its member organizations with the goal of building a stronger movement. Triangle developed a customized agenda for a two-day retreat, including team-building exercises and activities to reflect on the history, progress, and future goals of the Coalition. Triangle facilitated both days of the retreat and provided an inclusive, fun, and engaging atmosphere for the group to strengthen connections and share ideas.



Kitsap Transit Retreat

SERVICE AREA: Facilitation and Mediation

Triangle Associates facilitated the annual retreat of the Kitsap Transit Board of Commissioners, which included elected officials from across Kitsap County as well as Kitsap Transit directors and clerks. Triangle worked with Kitsap Transit staff ahead of the retreat to design an effective agenda to help commissioners work together to address their financial, social, and environmental goals. Triangle facilitated presentations, prioritization exercises, and group discussions throughout the all-day retreat. Triangle then developed a summary of the retreat, which included the key action items and recommendations from board members.



Greater Yellowstone Federal Coordinating Committee

SERVICE AREA: Facilitation and Mediation

The Greater Yellowstone Federal Coordinating Committee convenes twice annually for a health retreat to review and discuss a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), which outlines how federal land managers with a stake in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem will coordinate with each other. Triangle led an organizational health retreat for 12 federal land managers who convene twice a year under an MOU from 1964, renewed every 5 years. The MOU outlines that federal land managers with a stake in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem will coordinate with each other. Triangle assessed, designed, facilitated, and summarized the 2017 retreat. Agency partners included two National Park Service superintendents (for Yellowstone and Grand Teton), five forest supervisors, two National Refuge managers from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and three state leaders from Bureau of Land Management in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho. Triangle assisted the group to create their new interagency leaders’ playbook and share commitments to each other as federal land managers. The group continued to meet monthly by phone and provide overall direction for the work of several subcommittees with interagency staff.

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